Classpublic class Magnifier
InheritanceMagnifier Inheritance DisplacementMapFilterFixed Inheritance spark.filters.DisplacementMapFilter

Creates a magnification effect over a targeted UIComponent.

Can zoom in or zoom out of the targeted component via the "displacementScale" property.

Do not add this component to the display list for use. Declare in the declarations tag of an MXML document or in actionscript and call the magnify() method when needed.

View the technical documentation on the Ardisia Labs website for more information.

Public Properties
 PropertyDefined By
  displacementScale : Number
Value to scale the pixels for the displacement filter in the x and y direction.
Public Methods
 MethodDefined By
magnify(target:UIComponent, regionWidth:Number, regionHeight:Number, xPosition:Number, yPosition:Number):void
Magnifies the passed target at the passed position and size.
Remove the magnifier and the displacement effect from the passed target.
Property Detail

Value to scale the pixels for the displacement filter in the x and y direction. Positive values will zoom in and negative values will zoom out.

Think of it as a strength indicator for the zoom.

Filter will update and reflect changes to this property the next time magnify() is called.

The default value is 50.

    public function get displacementScale():Number
    public function set displacementScale(value:Number):void
Method Detail
public function magnify(target:UIComponent, regionWidth:Number, regionHeight:Number, xPosition:Number, yPosition:Number):void

Magnifies the passed target at the passed position and size.

Call remove() to remove the zoom effect and the indicator.


target:UIComponent — the UIComponent to magnify
regionWidth:Number — the width of the magnified region
regionHeight:Number — the height of the magnified region
xPosition:Number — the x position to center the zoom
yPosition:Number — the y position to center the zoom

public function remove():void

Remove the magnifier and the displacement effect from the passed target.